Launching a zero-proof spirit that resonates with today’s most discerning wellness consumer.
Born in New York, Rasāsvāda exists to help people find courage, clarity, and connection in an elevated present moment. After years in development, supported by farming relationships around the world, Rasāsvāda was ready to launch their first product - sophisticated zero-proof wellness beverages hand-crafted from over 45 directly-sourced rarified plants, herbs, mushrooms and adaptogens in support of holistic health and well-being.
Chandelier Creative was approached to translate the intentions of the brand and deliver an aesthetic and sensorial visual identity for their groundbreaking Spirit Restoratives - from naming and logo, to packaging and cocktails.
I led the strategy on the project while at Chandelier Creative and then moved client-side to lead brand & marketing efforts for the launch.
While at Rasāsvāda, I oversaw all aspects of the brand and creative - including positioning & messaging, design, copywriting, website design and development, social media, earned/PR, and paid search/social.